is an online edition of TV Klan company. It contains news, information about TV Klan and TV Klan Plus programs and online streaming through youtube of news and various shows of TV Klan channel.
Audience Share
Missing Data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
Ownership Structure
Frangaj Family owns 100% of the shares
Voting Rights
Only shareholders have voting rights.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Aleksander Frangaj – is a former journalist and media entrepreneur with shares in TV Klan, ABC News and a company named Albania 2017 founded in 2017. He is a co-founder of the daily newspaper Koha Jone, the first independent newspapers published after the fall of communism in Albania. In 1997 Frangaj founded a company Media 6 with two other businessmen, Julian Roche and Marsel Skendo. Frangaj owned 50% of the company, while his two partners owned 25% each. The company published the weekly magazine Klan and launched the television station with the same name. In 2013, the name of the company was changed from Media 6 to TV Klan. To date, Frangaj owns 60%, while his wife Alba Gina owns 40% at TV Klan. He initiated a plan for satellite pay TV service called Satellite + in 2004 and in a similar platform focused on Sport called "Supersport" in 2006 through the shares owned by his wife Alba Gina. He is considered to be a pro-government media owner regardless of who holds the power and has managed successfully to switch allegiances and side with any party in power over the past 20 years.
Marsel Skendo – (25%) and Julian Roche (25%) are two business partners in ADA Holding, one of the oldest companies founded in Albania in October 1990, immediately after the Communist Regime allowed private enterprises. Since then, ADA Holding has activities in airline industry, communication, construction, trade and energy it included Adanet – the first Internet Service Provider in the country.
Julien Roche – is a French national and businessman currently the President of Franco-Albanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and founder and shareholder of Helicopters Albania. He was also the co-president of Ada Air, the country’s first Airline company. Until last year he was Board Member at the Société Generale Albania. However, Skendo and Roche are no longer active in the media market since 2007.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Aleksander Frangaj - is a former journalist and media entrepreneur with shares in TV Klan, ABC News and a company named Albania 2017 founded in 2017. He is a co-founder of the daily newspaper Koha Jone, the first independent newspapers published after the fall of communism in Albania. He initiated the plan for satellite pay TV service called Satellite + in 2004 and in a similar platform focused on sport called "Supersport" in 2006 through the shares owned by his wife Alba Gina. He is considered to be a pro-government media owner regardless of who holds the power and has managed successfully to switch allegiances and side with any party in power over the past 20 years.
In 1996 Frangaj ran for office at the parliament but was not elected. Frangaj is often accused of being the main beneficiary of various government advertisement campaigns, especially during 2008-2010 period.
In 2015, he was accused for starting a building in a green space in the complex called "Laguna Blu" near the coastal town of Durrës under unclear circumstances. Frangaj denied all allegations.
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Missing Data
National Television Klan, Rruga: “AleksanderMoisiu”, nr.97, PranëIsh – Kinostudio, 1007, Tirana, Albania.
Tel: +355 42 347 821/2/3;
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
The ownership structure of the company is publicly available on the Albanian National Business Registry for TV Klan. is not a separate entity and doesn't have separate financial statements. It's revenues and expenditures are part of the financial data of TV Klan company.