Genci Gjineci
Genci Gjineci is the sole owner of Triangle Media Group, established by him in 2011. The company owns City Radio Albania, which broadcasts on the 88.0 FM waves. Until 2020, Gjineci was known as the official voice of the Digitalb company. In 2020, Gjineci declared on social media that he had started working as the Director of Art at ABC News Albania, the same position he also holds at Triangle Media Group.
In April 2017, his company Triangle Media Group was granted by the Audiovisual Media Authority, AMA, the right to internet television broadcasts under the City TV logo. The AMA license was valid until the year 2022, but the authority has not updated the data of online subjects.
In 2022, the company announced the start of online broadcasts under the Info24 logo, and a website with the same name was published. In August 2023, neither the website nor the television livestream were functional, and based on the "wayback machine" database, they were online until June 2023.
In June 2023, the shares of the company were blocked by the General Directorate of Taxes in the National Business Register.
Further Information
Transformimi rrënjësor i televizionit 7, nga studiot e reja, emisionet dhe edicionet informative. Njihuni me programacionin surprizë [Fundamental transformation of Television 7, from new studios, shows, and informative editions. Familiarize yourself with the surprise programming.] (2022) by, Accessed on 28 August 2023
Meta Data
The ownership structure and financial statement are publicly available on the Albanian National Business Registry. The financial data provided are for 2022. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2022 was used to convert the amounts into USD. See sources for more.