Ulaj brothers

Bashkim Ulaj and his brothers, Astrit and Ahmet Ulaj are the founders of the A2 television. They own the television through their flagship company Gener 2, where Bashkim Ulaj has 34% of the shares and his brothers 33% each. Gener 2 owns 100% of the company G2 Media LLC, which operates the A2 television. In January 2018, Gener 2 bought the company Albanian Byaty, then owned by Elida Llupa, for the price of 6 million lek [44,924 Euro]. Founded in 2004, Albanian Byaty owned an audiovisual broadcasting license and operated the music station Elrodi TV. In April 2018, the Audiovisual Media Authority, AMA, approved the change of the name of the television to A2 and the structure of the program from music broadcasting to news.
Bashkim Ulaj is a businessman with activities in the field of construction, telecommunications and energy production. He started his career in business in 1995 with the construction company "Leskova". In 2005, Bashkim Ulaj bought the company Gener 2, which would become the main brand of his family businesses.
Under Ulaj's leadership, Gener 2 benefited from a couple of concessions granted first by the former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha and later from the actual PM, Edi Rama. A 2009 concession to build a hydropower plant in Valbona National Park was followed by a series of protests and a court case. In 2014, Gener 2 obtained a construction permit from the Municipality of Tirana to build a complex of five towers near the Artificial Lake of Tirana, but the project was blocked by the central government. Gener 2 won the case in court and continued the construction. In July 2018, the Gener 2 was announced as the winner of a concession for the construction of Thumane-Kashar road with an investment valued at 225 million euros, but the negotiations were annulled after a scandal broke in December 2018. A phantom company named DH Albania, which was suspected to be related to Ulaj's Gener 2, won two tenders worth 30 million euros using forged documents. An investigation launched by the Tirana Prosecutor's Office was closed without consequences. The concession remained suspended until September 2021, when the Administrative Court ruled in favor of Gener 2. The project was subsequently approved by the Council of Ministers.
Gener2 (100)
G2 Blu (98%)
G2 Infra (100%)
Aba Holding (100%)
Energy production
Dragobia Energy (100%)
Energy Production
Fier Thermoelectric (30%)
Gizavesh Energy Albania (100%)
G2 Datacom (30%)
2SmartSystems (60%)
Tirana Datacom (70%)
Oil Production
Vivid Power (100%)
Greensol (100%)
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
The CEO of G2 Media LLC since February 2018. According to his LinkedIn profile, Kasneci worked for several years as a financial analyst in the United States, before returning to Albania and joining Gener 2 in 2010. Kasneci directed some of Ulaj's projects, before taking over the management of A2 television. He also owns 100% of the shares in the financial company "Platinum Investment" founded in 2011 by Bashkim Ulaj.
Further Information
Meta Data
The ownership structure and financial statement are publicly available on the Albanian National Business Registry. The financial data provided are for 2022. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2022 was used to convert the amounts into USD. See sources for more.